The Negotiation Hypercube

The Negotiation Hypercube is a practical set of principles, methods and tools that optimise the value of your negotiations. The approaches that you will find here support a wide range of business negotiation types, from simple projects to exceptionally complex and challenging cases.

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The Negotiation Hypercube toolkit includes the Negotiation Map, the Negotiation event one-pager and the Negotiation Performance Review templates that you can download here.

In detail

The Negotiation Hypercube explains how the negotiation can become a “value generating machine” that supports the objectives of the wider business in the best way possible. Some of the key elements you can expect to find here include:

A practical framework that connects the strategic, tactical and operational dimensions of the negotiation. Understanding the importance of each dimension will help you connect your negotiation to the wider business needs and realise the tactical and operational implications of your strategic decisions.

An easy-to-use toolkit. Packed with best practices, “how to” guides and practical templates, this book takes the value you are getting from your negotiations to another level.

A wholistic approach. The Negotiation Cube gets you from planning and executing to evaluating and continually improving your negotiation practices

A flexible method. As every negotiation is different, the Negotiation Cube method can be easily modified to support the needs of each individual case. You can go as high-level or detailed as you want using a “light” or a full version of the method. Amend your approach to support anything from simple business-as-usual projects to exceptionally complex and challenging negotiation cases.

Your personal negotiation consultant. The best-in-class negotiation practices and insights that are presented in this book cover different types of businesses and industries. This is a manual that you can keep with you as an instant helper. A negotiation expert in the palm of your hand.

A value driven practice. The clear direction of the Negotiation Cube is to help you optimise the total value you can generate in a negotiation. This value is a combination of long-, medium- and short-term benefits that range from cost improvements and risk mitigation to innovation, increased sales and value-add relationships. The practices in this book make sure that the total value is what drives your decisions.

Built to promote collaborative and inclusive stakeholder relationships. Preparing and executing a negotiation is a team game, and the Negotiation Cube method ensures that your stakeholders are actively involved.

A key part of the negotiation infrastructure at an organisational level. This book will help you develop the systems that will increase the negotiation capability of your organisation, and raise the profile of the negotiation practice in the business. The Negotiation Cube will enhance any best-practices you already use, and work in alignment with your category management and wider business strategies.

A negotiation training tool. The book can be transformed to a training programme that will help your team develop the “hard” and “soft” skills that are needed in order to succeed in negotiations. From a high-level summary to a detailed course, the Negotiation Cube can help you train colleagues and stakeholders.